"We offer a 5 Questions as a gift to every guest at our church. It is an excellent resource; we trust that it provides a great first impression to everyone who walks through our doors."
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"I read this book in college as an agnostic. I had written off any reason to believe in Christianity. When I read Tom's book, he gave reasons that I never considered; a couple months later, I put my faith in Jesus."

Joe, University of North Dakota
Is there really any evidence that God exists?
Isn't the Bible just another book?
Don't I determine what's right for me?
Wasn't Jesus just a good teacher?
Isn't being a Christian boring and limiting?
These are questions that all of us have asked at some point.
Whether you're a Christian and want to solidify your beliefs, a seeker asking these questions, or an experienced Christian wanting insight in how to share you faith, this book proves useful to many people.
Tom brings his 35 years of ministry experience, and answers these common questions with an appeal not just to emotions, but to the mind.
in their words
"I entered college as a Christian, but was stumped by friends and professors when it came to religion. This book gave me the confidence to return and hold strong to Christianity."
Adam, North Carolina State


For over 35 years, Tom has been challenging college students across more than 100 campuses worldwide to seriously consider the claims of Jesus. He and his wife live in Columbus, Ohio.
Jesus' last command was to "Go and make disciples of all the nations." Tom adopted this as his life mission in 1974 and since that time has sought to make disciples (followers of Christ) by faithfully preaching and teaching the Word of God on campuses all over America and, now, in Europe and South Asia as well. While many Christians are content to stay within the walls of the church, his motto is "takin' to their turf" or, as Jesus said, "Go out into the highways and along the hedges and compel them to come in so that My house may be filled" (Luke 14:23).
In 2007, he founded Tom Short Campus Ministries, a non-profit organization. For more information about Tom and his ministry, or for more resources, including videos, articles, and helpful websites, visit TomthePreacher.com
"I was able to use this book to give to my unbelieving friends, which provided opportunities to talk about God with them."
Rachel, University of Florida

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